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Everything is personal, even this blog
17 nov 20242 Min. de lectura
I reside Inside
The challenge has been to coexist with myself, embracing my quirks and small eccentricities that, over time, have become the manuals to...
19 sept 20242 Min. de lectura
anxiety happens at night.
Life feels absurdly heavy today. The moon hangs like a beacon in the sky, and the streets are illuminated by its brief and almost...
19 sept 20242 Min. de lectura
Before the fear of time
Before the fear of time, of the inevitable life that wears away and vanishes; before death that waits for us to grow old and holds among...
19 sept 20242 Min. de lectura
About the fear of being alone
I do not believe in metaphysics, nor in magic, nor in alchemy; nor do I believe that the universe listens like a cosmic Pachamama,...
11 ago 20242 Min. de lectura
Roaring 20s
I wonder what might have existed in all that never happened, and I go back as far as my memory allows, trying to gather, from pieces of...
24 jul 20241 Min. de lectura
the thread that binds us
Today I met my soulmate, but it was too late. I found her with her wings broken and her feet weary. I admired her amidst the perpetual...
23 abr 20241 Min. de lectura
Farewell, Monterrey
What would the ruins of this city say if they could tell my stories? Would they say that time brought me to my knees, that I never...
11 abr 20242 Min. de lectura
There were so many hidden things within me that I never imagined I could feel, not in my wildest dreams, not in the grandest glories, not...
15 nov 20232 Min. de lectura
Me sumerjo en la contemplación de cómo serías ahora, imaginando tus canas y las arrugas que nunca danzaron en tu rostro. ¿Poseerías la...
31 oct 20232 Min. de lectura
I promise I'll be the remedy for bouts of sadness you didn't even know you'd have, though the dense melancholy you'll feel me may become...
31 oct 20232 Min. de lectura
10,000 feet
Driven by my inherent incapacity to possess, I missed all the simple (and beautiful) things I had, I yearned for you to be a precise and...
31 oct 20232 Min. de lectura
broken, still
The farther I distanced myself from everything, the closer I felt to my true self. I replaced the things I missed with countless...
31 oct 20232 Min. de lectura
Scott and Zelda
I knew not what to do with all I felt upon meeting you. I envisioned flocks of birds moving to the rhythm of an unknown compass,...
31 oct 20232 Min. de lectura
I should have known from the moment I got lost in you that it would be impossible to find the person I was before I touched your mousey...
31 oct 20232 Min. de lectura
Dimming Lights
I miss your face, your eyes and your warm sad smile. Memories of your scent and your gentle touch on my neck still deeply affect me, so I...
24 oct 20233 Min. de lectura
Eternal sunshine
If I could manipulate the continuity of time, I would embark on a quest to find a crack that would allow me to revisit that time when we...
24 oct 20232 Min. de lectura
As the world falls down
We sat in the park with more reservations than emotions, even though we were both feeling it all. Our universes collided, and I felt a...
24 oct 20232 Min. de lectura
You captivated me from afar, and I didn't even think about approaching, simply enjoying the serendipity of coming across your gaze....
24 oct 20233 Min. de lectura
despite myself
I must confess that I've loved more when I've been less reciprocated, that I belonged to those who could walk their path hand in hand...
24 oct 20232 Min. de lectura
A love from another winter
Today, I found myself in a whirlwind of emotions. I have to leap to the edge of the precipice into a new life, which I'm sure will be...
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